At Hoatzzin Logistics, we provide tailored transportation and comprehensive logistics solutions specifically designed for the automotive industry. Our commitment to delivering top-quality services that meet our customers’ expectations is unwavering. Our offerings cover every stage of the automotive supply chain, including car suppliers, automobile manufacturers, importers, and distributors. We also offer warehouse services and an extensive range of transportation options to ensure safe and reliable delivery of your components and vehicles to their intended destination within the stipulated timelines.

Hoatzzin Logistics is a trusted provider of comprehensive automotive industry services, backed by extensive and highly recognized experience, as well as rigorous quality controls. We offer a diverse range of services that cater to all of the industry’s needs.

Our Services include:

  • Transportation of pieces, components and spares of vehicles, either by road, sea and/or air.
  • Lifting units, lashing of pieces, etc.
  • Just-In-Time solutions delivered to the production lines, deliveries, urgent orders and other special solutions like orders from manufacturers and suppliers of the automotive industry.
  • Issuing customs clearance, as well as advising on the procedures in the automotive industry (special regimes, export, second hand units, special export permits for army and historic vehicles, etc.).
  • Sea, air and land transportation, reliable delivering on time